Forget the ITP and Interpret for Me! What Interpreters need know and still need to learn working with Deaf Black Plus

Forget the ITP and Interpret for Me! 

What Interpreters Need to Know When Working with Deaf Black Plus  

0.2 PS CEUs credits


Webinar available online via Diversity Academy membership. Access it anytime. 

Black Deaf ++ (multiple disabilities) have unique needs and challenges. Many of these individuals struggle to communicate their wants and needs, to freely move their body to access and engage their world, and too often experience additional oppressions from both Deaf and Hearing worlds. Interpreters who work with these individuals must be able to recognize the unique oppressive triggers and lack of communication supports to ensure that Black Deaf Plus are an active participant in all aspects of their daily communications and can make proactive decisions toward valued life outcomes when using interpreting services.


This presentation is a personal shared lived experience of being Black, Deaf AND (+) having Low Visual, AND (+) CP. Too often Interpreters either miss the perceived privilege and oppressions experienced by these encounters or the unintentional acts of oppression, ignorance, and unconscious biases toward these individuals. This workshop is an opportunity for interpreters to learn how they can recognize both conscious (explicit) biases and unconscious (implicit) biases that can impact their interactions with Black Deaf Plus. This workshop is a mixture of presenting, sharing, and opportunities to ask open-discussion throughout the webinar.


Educational Objectives:

Participants will identify appropriate terms, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors experienced by a Deaf And person (Black, Deafblind, and CP).   

  1. Participants will identify appropriate terms, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors experienced by a Deaf And person (Black, Deafblind, and CP).   
  2. Participants will identify and list implicit/explicit biases and microaggressions as they relate to interactions with Deaf And persons (Black Deaf Plus).
  3. Participants will list interactive techniques to shift from judgment to positive attitudes toward working with Deaf And person (Black Deaf Plus).

     4. Participants will identify oppressive triggers that can occur when working Black Deaf And person (Black Deaf Plus).

Purple Communications is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for continuing education activities. This Professional Studies program, Forget the ITP and Interpret for Me! What Interpreters Need to Know When Working with Deaf Black Plus  is offered for 0.2 PPO CEUs at the little/None Content Knowledge Level.


Purple Communications and Diversity Academy promotes and supports policies of non-discrimination and an environment that is mutually respectful and free from bias. 

Requests for accommodations must be submitted to [email protected]

Cancellation Policy: 

In the event that this webinar has to be canceled, we will notify you within 48 hours. We  will provide an alternative presentation. 

About Your Speaker

Joseph (LJ) Williams

Joseph (LJ) Williams, who is originally from Detroit MI, is Deaf Black, And person who is also Blind, and has CP. He currently has worked in Michigan for several years as a Deaf Interpreter and Mentor in various school settings for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. Most recently, he has worked as a Case Manager for Deaf and Hard of Hearing consumers in the Orlando Florida area.  His professional work and personal experience as a Deaf And person (DeafBlind and CP) have given him access to working as a Deaf interpreter and sharing his lived experiences of using interpreters and for addressing concerns that specifically come up from the “users point of view” for interpreters to consider when providing access. Currently, LJ lives in Utah, and when not working, he enjoys spending time with his wife and family. 



Webinar Overview

Participants will receive a pre-assessment form with questions related to diversity topics. 

Joseph LJ Williams

Joseph (LJ) Williams, who is originally from Detroit MI, is Deaf Black, And person who is also Blind, and has CP. He currently has worked in Michigan for several years as a Deaf Interpreter and Mentor in various school settings for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. Most recently, he has worked as a Case Manager for Deaf and Hard of Hearing consumers in the Orlando Florida area.  His professional work and personal experience as a Deaf And person (DeafBlind and CP) have given him access to working as a Deaf interpreter and sharing his lived experiences of using interpreters and for addressing concerns that specifically come up from the “users point of view” for interpreters to consider when providing access. Currently, LJ lives in Utah, and when not working, he enjoys spending time with his wife and family. 

Educational Objectives:

  1. Participants will identify appropriate terms, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors experienced by a Deaf And person (Black, Deafblind, and CP).   
  2. Participants will identify and list implicit/explicit biases and microaggressions as they relate to interactions with Deaf And persons (Black Deaf Plus).
  3. Participants will list interactive techniques to shift from judgment to positive attitudes toward working with Deaf And person (Black Deaf Plus).

4. Participants will identify oppressive triggers that can occur when working Black Deaf And person (Black Deaf  Plus).

Participants will receive a Post-Assessment form that will identify their involvement and understanding of diversity topics covered in the webinar. 

Participants will provide feedback via a presenter evaluation form. 

This course is being offered for 0.2 PS PPO (Power, Privilege, and Oppression) CEUs: 1 hour  webinar presentation & 1 hour of participation in the online community discussion forum following the webinar. 

Diversity Academy Online provides:


Pre/post assessment questions

Active participation in the online discussion forum 


You must be a member of Diversity Academy to earn and receive CEUs for each monthly webinar. This webinar is included with membership. 

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Earn 0.2 CEUs for this webinar when you join as a member of Diversity Academy. Every month we feature a different speaker on the topics of diversity, power, privilege, and oppression. You can view past webinars and earn your PPO CEUs for each one!


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