Join monthly or SAVE and pay for a full year.
Earn Your PPO CEUs, anytime, anywhere
Join Diversity Academy as a member (you can pay monthly or yearly) and you'll have access to a variety of webinars to earn your PPO CEU's.
If you are a non-RID Certified educational interpreter and require CEUs for your school district, state requirements, or professional development, please reach out to [email protected] for a discounted membership.
What Does a Membership Include?
A membership at Diversity Academy includes access to webinars on the topics of Power, Privilege, and Oppression. Each month, 2-3 webinars are available to be viewed anytime, anywhere and each webinar earns 0.2 PPO CEUs. In the months that only 2 webinars are offered, you can also view a BEACON Cafe Chat that is worth 0.1 PPO CEUs. This means you can earn your PPO CEUs from the comfort of home, in your pajamas--at your own pace.
Each webinar has a Pre-Assessment, Post-Assessment, additional resources to read/view, and an evaluation to complete to earn your CEUs. Once you complete those steps for a webinar, your CEUs are processed during the following month.
Your membership also includes access to a variety of resources that cover diversity topics as it relates to the interpreting profession--via articles, websites, videos, and research.
Diversity Academy also offers courses throughout the year for a nominal additional cost.
Diverse Speakers and Topics
Your membership includes online webinars featuring diverse Deaf and diverse Interpreters. Each webinar gives you 0.2 PPO CEUs. You can view these webinars anytime, anywhere. Each speaker presents LIVE, and then the replays are available to view on your own time. Members are required to take a pre- and post-assessment, presenter evaluation, additional reading, and participate in the online discussion forum. to earn 0.2 PPO CEUs.
Your membership includes monthly webinars featuring diverse Deaf and Interpreters sharing their wisdom on various topics, especially related to Power, Privilege, and Oppression. The webinars can be viewed anytime, anywhere. CEUs are processed in the following month after the webinar is completed.
CEUs are processed by Diversity Academy.
Dr. Suzette Garay
Topic: Not Your Typical LGBTQ Model: The Deaf LGBTQ + POC Experiences within LGBTQ Spaces
Shana Gibbs
Topic: Strategies for Providing Corrective Feedback with Interpreters of Color
Dr. Melanie McKay-Cody
Topic: How Do the Missing Pieces of Training Affect PPO with Native/Indigenous Deaf/Hard of Hearing People?
Joseph LJ Williams
Topic: Forget the ITP and Interpret for ME!
Lisa Weems
Topic: Understanding the PPO Dynamics for Interpreters of Color--So You Wanna Talk About Differences?
Christopher Robinson
Topic: Respecting & Valuing Interpreters of Color
Crescenciano Garcia-Campbell Jr.
Topic: Understanding Unearned Privileges & Power Dynamics that Impact the Working Relationships with Interpreters of Color
Dr. Alesia Allen
Topic: How Systems Lead to the Provision of Power, Privilege, and Oppression in the Interpreting Profession
Renee Phillips
Topic: Implicit Bias and You
Romduol Ngov
Topic: Authentic Representation of BIPOC Deaf Interpreters

Diversity Academy Courses -
(Diversity Academy members receive a $25 discount for each course and you can earn 0.8 or MORE PPO CEUs per course. Courses are available at different times throughout the year.)
PPO Book Studies: White Fragility
PPO Book Studies: How to be Antiracist
PPO Book Studies: Me and White Supremacy
Dear White Interpreters
Introduction to Intersectionality
Interpreting in Indigenous Settings
Mentoring/Coaching (available through JustConsulting)
Diversity and Inclusion Training
Become a member of Diversity Academy!